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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Perfect Purity

Antigua, Guatemala.
Perfect Purity

"He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment." 
(Revelation 3:5)

Warrior of the cross, fight on! 
Never rest till thy victory is complete, 
for thine eternal reward will prove worthy of a life of warfare.

See, here is perfect purity for thee!
 A few in Sardis kept their garments undefiled, and their recompense is to be spotless.
 Perfect holiness is the prize of our high calling; let us not miss it.

See, here is joy!
 Thou shalt wear holiday robes, such as men put on at wedding feasts;
 thou shalt be clothed with gladness and be made bright with rejoicing. 
Painful struggles shall end in peace of conscience and joy in the Lord.

See, here is victory! Thou shalt have thy triumph. 
Palm, and crown, and white robe shall be thy guerdon; 
thou shalt be treated as a conqueror and owned as such by the Lord Himself.

See, here is priestly array! 
Thou shalt stand before the Lord in such raiment as the sons of Aaron wore; 
thou shalt offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving and draw near unto the Lord with the incense of praise.

Who would not fight for a Lord who gives such large honors to the very least of His faithful servants? 
Who would not be clothed in a fool's coat for Christ's sake, seeing He will robe us with glory?

Blog created 04/28/2017
Mighty Warrior

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Burdens Cast on Him

Burdens Cast on Him

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee;
 he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
 (Psalm 55:22)

It is a heavy burden; roll it on Omnipotence. 
It is thy burden now, and it crushes thee; but when the Lord takes it,
He will make nothing of it. 
If thou art called still to bear, "he will sustain thee." 
It will be on Him and not on thee. 
Thou wilt be so upheld under it that the burden will be a blessing. 
Bring the Lord into the matter, and thou wilt stand upright under that which in itself would bow thee down.

Our worst fear is lest our trial should drive us from the path of duty;
 but this the Lord will never suffer. 
If we are righteous before Him, He will not endure that our affliction should move us from our standing.  In Jesus He accepts us as righteous, and in Jesus He will keep us so.
What about the present moment? 
Art thou going forth to this day's trial alone? 
Are thy poor shoulders again to be galled with the oppressive load?
 Be not so foolish. 
Tell the Lord all about thy grief and leave it with Him. 
Don't cast your burden down and then take it up again;
but roll it on the Lord and leave it there. 
Then shalt thou walk at large, a joyful and unburdened believer,
 singing the praises of thy great Burden-bearer.
Blog created 04/28/2017
Mighty Warrior